For Education Providers

For Education Providers

InterStudy is an established education consultancy and agency assisting individuals interested in pursuing higher education, high school exchange and academic programmes and language courses abroad.

Founded 1998, InterStudy has grown to become the largest international education specialist in Slovakia by revenue and education programme portfolio. We work with education providers in 17 countries across 3 continents. Our partner organisations include universities and colleges, secondary schools, exchange programme providers and language schools.

Education providers interested in exploring the opportunity of student recruitment or seeking representation in Slovakia are welcome to contact Maria Kovacs at  


For Education Providers
Naše katalógy si môžete stiahnuť v elektronickej podobe, alebo Vám ich môžeme zaslať bezplatne na Vašu poštovú adresu.
Kontaktujte nás telefonicky alebo prostredníctvom krátkeho formulára, aby sme si na stretnutie s Vami mohli vyhradiť dostatok času.
Akcie, podujatia a novinky
do Vášho mailboxu
„Tento súhlas máte právo kedykoľvek odvolať. Takisto máte právo kedykoľvek namietať proti spracúvaniu Vašich osobných údajov na účely priameho marketingu vrátane profilovania.“
Gajova 4 (5. poschodie)
811 09 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 2 5262 2611

+421 2 5262 2612
